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Excellent results in this year’s national NHS Staff Survey have seen North East Lincolnshire’s NAViGO come out on top.

Compared to over 220 national NHS provider trusts and other social enterprises, NAViGO ranked the highest in all survey indicators, which for the 2021 survey include seven themes of the NHS People Promise as well as overall engagement and morale of staff.

The largest annual workforce survey in the world is completed by all NHS organisations in England and Wales, providing over 1.2 million staff with the opportunity to anonymously share views about the place they work and the services it provides.

NAViGO chief executive Simon Beeton said: “I’m extremely proud of the NAViGO team – our staff are dedicated to providing the best possible care to the local community and we, as an organisation, are committed to the health and wellbeing of our staff.

“The last couple of years have been extremely challenging for the whole of the NHS and to achieve such an excellent result reflects how our staff feel valued, supported and listened to – and that NAViGO is a fantastic place to work.”

Statistics from the NHS Staff survey

Key NAViGO findings

  • Over 92% of staff felt that the care of service users is the organisation’s top priority
  • 85% of staff rated NAViGO as a place of work
  • 87% of staff thought NAViGO respected individual differences such as cultures and backgrounds
  • 84% of staff felt valued by their team
  • 86% of staff felt the people they worked with were understanding and kind to one another while 85% felt the people they worked with are polite and treat each other with respect.
  • 85% felt the organisation takes positive action on health and wellbeing
  • 80% of staff were enthusiastic about their job

As well as previously being named the Health and Social Care Social Enterprise of the Year, NAVIGO have been consistently ranked as one of the Top 100 Not-for-Profit Organisations to Work For by Best Companies.

The NAViGO workforce has recently increased by several hundred following the merger of local social health care providers Ace Homecare, Care4All and NAViGO Extra who have formed new registered charity Nurtrio, a subsidiary of the NAViGO Group.