Navigo's official charity

Enriching the lives of people with mental health problems


Gardiner Hill Foundation official charity raising funds f


Navigo's official charity is The Gardiner Hill Foundation

It's set up to enhance and enrich the lives of people with mental health problems.

Gardiner Hill. Why is it called that? Well, the charity takes its name from a local doctor - Robert Gardiner Hill - who championed the rights of people with mental health problems in the 1800s.

  • As well as promoting good mental health, the foundation works alongside and supplements essential mental health services.
  • We also help people with mental health problems to live independently and we support education, training and employment opportunities.
  • Our team of trustees and support staff are volunteers, which means donations go to supporting our valuable work.



Gardiner Hill Foundation grant recipient service user

Get a grant

If you live with mental health problems - and have a care coordinator within Navigo or a keyworker from another organisation -  you could get a grant from The Gardiner Hill Foundation.

You can apply for a grant yourself, or your carer or family member can submit an application on your behalf.



Gardiner Hill Foundation Lights of Hope Get Involved

Get involved

If you would like to get involved with the charity or find out more about what we do, we'd love to hear from you.

You might even like to fundraise for us. You star! We'd love to know what you've got planned.

Get in touch with us here.


How we've helped

Read stories about how we've helped change the lives of people in North East Lincolnshire for the better.

Read stories here




A message about the Gardiner Hill Foundation caravan 

For many years, the Gardiner Hill Foundation has offered affordable holidays for Navigo staff, service users, carers and community members through our caravan at Thorpe Park, Cleethorpes. We’re really proud that so many people have made memories there.

In recent years, fewer people have booked the caravan, while the cost of running it has increased. This has put financial pressure on the charity. To make sure we can continue to help as many people as possible, the Gardiner Hill Foundation trustees have made the difficult decision to sell the caravan. By doing this, we can free up funds to provide more grants – helping Navigo and Nurtrio service users improve their independence and enjoy activities that support their wellbeing and mental health.

You can still book a caravan break at Thorpe Park directly through Haven. To continue offering support, trustees will give a £50 Love to Shop voucher to Navigo and Nurtio service users and carers who book a caravan break at Thorpe Park in 2025. Just send your Haven booking confirmation to, and we’ll send you a voucher to use on your holiday essentials.

Thank you to everyone who has supported and enjoyed the Gardiner Hill Foundation caravan over the years. While this is a change, it means we can help even more people in different ways.

If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us by emailing


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