Our senior management team

Covering every service area of Navigo


Senior managers at NAViGO


Who are the senior managers?


Simon Beeton NAViGO senior managers
Simon Beeton
Chief Executive
Mike Reeve senior manager
Mike Reeve
Deputy Chief Executive
Aamer Sajjad senior manager
Aamer Sajjad
Medical Director
Janine Smith senior manager
Janine Smith
Chief Operating Officer
Anna Morgan senior manager
Anna Morgan
Executive Director of Corporate Services
​​​​​​​Accountable Emergency Officer
Freedom Nwokedi senior manager
Freedom Nwokedi
Assistant Director for Older People's Services
Amanda Simpson senior manager
Amanda Simpson
Associate Director for Adult Acute Services
Kristina Fletcher senior manager
Kristina Ferdenzi
Assistant Director of NHS Talking Therapies and Specialist Services
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Anita Bird
Assistant Director of Child and Adolescent Services
Richard Watson senior manager
Richard Watson
Assistant Director of People and Organisational Development
Lisa Denton senior manager
Lisa Denton
Assistant Director of Performance and Assurance
Ellie Walsh manager
Ellie Walsh
Assistant Director of Legislative Team and Projects
Zaffer Iqbal senior manager
Zaffer Iqbal 
Clinical Director of Psychological Services
Kevin Brumby senior manager
Kevin Brumby
Head of Finance
Julie Gray senior manager
Julie Gray
Head of Corporate Affairs
Membership Secretary
Jo Keen senior manager
Jo Keen
Head of Employment and Commercial Services
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Keri Rennison
Interim Associate Director of Adult Mental Health Services
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Andy Laughton
Interim Assistant Director of Adult and Older Adult Community Services
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Katie Laughton
Acting Assistant Director for Specialist Teams, NHS Talking Therapies and Psychology



If you want to get in contact with the senior management team, contact us here.