Developing primary care networks
Working with partners on co-ordinated care

We work very closely with local GPs, NHS Trusts, newly created Primary Care Networks, partner organisations and a range of health professionals to make sure we provide the best co-ordinated care.
Here’s a bit more about some of the work currently taking place.
A Primary Care Network (PCN) is made up of groups of general practices (GPs) working together with a range of local health and social care providers as well as community services and the voluntary sector.
They are a key feature of the NHS Long Term Plan.
The networks focus on building larger neighbourhood teams that respond to the needs of the local communities that they cover offering more personalised, coordinated health and social care.
The neighbourhood teams are made up of a range of clinical and non-clinical staff including GPs, pharmacists, district nurses, dementia workers, physiotherapists, podiatrists, chiropodists and social prescribers, care navigators, joined by social care and the voluntary sector.
Within North East Lincolnshire there are five Primary care Networks:
Practices in network:
- Beacon Medical Centre
- Raj Medical centre
- The Lynton Practice
- Dr A P Kumar
- Core Care Family Practice
- Healing Practice
Practices in network:
- Field House Medical Group
- Woodford Medical Centre
- Pelham Medical Group
- Littlefield
- Humberview
Practices in network:
- The Roxton Practice
- The Roxton Practice at Weelsby View
- Dr Charlmers and Beckett
- Quayside
- Open Door
Practices in network:
- Scartho Medical centre
- Birkwood Surgery
- Chantry Health Group
- Dr Babu
Practices in network:
- Clee Medical Centre
- Dr R Mathews
- Greenlands Surgery
- Dr Sinha
- Dr Qureshi
- Blundell Park Surgery
Pegasus, Concorde and Phoenix are currently in discussions to become one PCN.
As North East Lincolnshire’s provider of mental health services, we work closely with the PCNs to make sure they and the people they care for know how and when to easily access our services.
The government asked the NHS to write a plan for the next 10 years. The plan shows how extra money for the NHS will be spent to help people. It is based on what the public and NHS staff thought the NHS needs.
The plan has seven chapters which look at different things the NHS wants to make better, focusing on:
- Making help more accessible
- Improving care
- Keeping people well
- Supporting NHS staff better
- Investing in technology
- Securing the future of the NHS
As well as working closely with the PCNs, we also need to deliver the requirements of the Community Mental Health Framework - a document published in September 2019 as part of the NHS Long Term Plan.
This document requires us to redesign our community mental health services, offering joined up care with a whole population focus.
Community mental health services have played a crucial role in the delivery of mental health care, providing vital support to people with mental health problems closer to their homes and communities for over 30 years. However, they are now in need of transformation.
By developing the service, people with mental health problems will be enabled to:
- Access mental health care where and when they need it, and be able to move through the system easily, so that people who need intensive input receive it in the appropriate place, rather than face being discharged to no support
- Manage their condition or move towards individualised recovery on their own terms, surrounded by their families, carers and social networks, and supported in their local community
- Contribute to and be participants in the communities that sustain them, to whatever extent is comfortable to them.
Both the PCNs and the Community Mental Health Framework mean significant changes to the way we deliver services and we will continue to work closely with our staff, members and service users on the developments.
We will also be working with our membership to identify community members that have an interest in being involved in the work to help shape how our services are delivered in the future.
If you have any questions, please contact us.