
Two new LGBT+ groups have received significant funding from North East Lincolnshire Sector Support in a bid to help reduce isolation and loneliness.

Nearly £9,000 of grant funding will enable us to provide a weekly safe and inclusive space for individuals aged 16-25 within the LGBT+ community to socialise and connect.

Development of a LGBT+ parents, partners and carers group will connect families to share experiences, while a befriending service will also be created to provide peer support and guidance for young adults aged 16 – 25 years.

There are also plans to host activities, events and experience days as well as wellbeing and self-care initiatives.

The pandemic and impact of the last two years has left North East Lincolnshire’s LGBT+ community isolated with young adults spending more time at home as many of their social, sporting or hospitality safe spaces closed.

NAViGO engagement manager Amy Quickfall said: “Over the last two years, many people within the local community have become isolated.

“The initiatives we’re offering will enable individuals and their friends and families to come together, make friends and create a network of support.

“Knowing you are part of a community and feeling connected can really encourage independence, build confidence and reduce social anxiety.”

NAVIGO will continue working with local partner organisations to develop and promote the activities including Carers Support, Grimsby Institute, Franklin College and Think2Speak.

Find out more about Inclusion, our peer-to-peer group for LGBT+ people and allies, here.