
Local community mental health services have received national recognition for their dedicated work and high-quality care by gaining accreditation from the Royal College of Psychiatry.

Our Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) provides support within the community to working age adults living with severe mental illness across North East Lincolnshire.

The Royal College of Psychiatry accreditation assures the quality of community mental health services for people with mental health problems, as well as their carers, recognising the good practice, work and care provided by us.

Over 130 comprehensive standards, set by the Royal College, are designed to be applicable to all adult community mental health services and were used to assess the quality and core functions of the specialist team including service user safety, treatment, experience and facilities.

Eight of our services are now accredited, including the specialist eating disorder unit Rharian Fields and dedicated older people’s suites - a hugely successful feat.

Chief executive Jane Lewington is especially proud and said: “Gaining accreditation not only recognises the hard work and dedication of our staff but the process itself allows us to step back and, alongside service users, really take a look at our services.

“We’re committed to providing the best possible care, ensuring best practice and making sure that we continue to grow, improve and develop across all of our service areas be they inpatient, specialist or community based.”

Our inpatient facilities have been accredited for the last eleven years while the older people’s home treatment team were one of the first in the country to be recognised.

The accreditation comes in a year that has proven to be the most challenging for the NHS with the effects of the pandemic due to impact on mental health services for months to come.

Jane added: “To achieve accreditation this year illustrates how determined we are to make sure that our services not only meet the needs of the local community now but that they are set up to meet the demand of the future.”

The accreditation has been awarded until May 2023.

All of our services have and continue to operate throughout the pandemic.

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If you are struggling to cope, are worried about someone you know or need to speak to someone urgently, there is a range of help available.

  • The  COVID-19 mental health support service offers support to anyone who has been affected by the pandemic in any way. It's free and available 24 hours a day. Just call (01472) 256256 and select option 3.
  • If you’re in a mental health crisis and need urgent help, call the Single Point of Access on (01472) 256256 and select option 3. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Safespace provides instant support if you’re vulnerable and need assistance with your mental health out-of-hours. You can speak to the team using Zoom or by calling in via telephone, between 5.30pm and 11pm, Monday to Friday.​
  • Open Minds offers a range of talking therapies aimed at helping you to deal with the effects of stress, anxiety and depression. You can self-refer to Open Minds online.