- 7 new staff membership applications and 3 new community applications brings the totals to 573 staff and 405 community members.
- Julie Gray (Head of Corporate Affairs) led a discussion on the format of the Membership Board meetings, asking whether attendees preferred more face-to-face meetings beyond the two that are scheduled in March and October. Voting took place via a shared link, the result showing 13 in favour and 16 against additional meetings. The decision was made to continue with the current schedule of two in person meetings a year.
- Discussion took place on whether Navigo would sponsor the ten-year anniversary of the Tape2Tape Grimsby 10k. The decision was split across the members, so Claire will reach out to Tape2Tape to see if there are other ways we could sponsor the event without the high cost and workload.
- Anna Morgan (Director of Corporate Services) gave an update on the annual Membership Board Terms of Reference review. It was noted that two new items have been added. Section 3.12 - Youth Ambassador: this role is currently being represented by Robin Cook. Section 5 – Conflicts of interest: this is to ensure that when we are setting the agendas, and at the beginning of meetings, we check if there is anyone in the meeting that's got a particular conflict of interest with an item on that agenda.
- Keri Rennison (Assistant Director of Adult Acute Services) updated the membership board on the changes to Safespace due to funding issues, including reducing staff from three to two and adjusting the service model to include bookable slots via the Single Point of Access.
- Keri shared service statistics, including 3,227 referrals, 161 regular attendees, and primary reasons for attending being anxiety and depression. She mentioned ongoing reviews to understand service user experiences better.
- Keri Rennison shared the new Harm Reduction leaflets. Feedback from the members was positive. Keri explained that these leaflets have been created to provide information for our service users, due to them seeing an increase in people presenting using alcohol and substances. Leaflets are available for services to use. Keri is happy for suggestions on where they might be best placed.
- Richard Rudd (Community Representative) gave an update from the last representative meeting and welcomed Rebecca Marshall as a new staff rep, noting that Rebekah Myers had stepped down from the role. Kelly Harrison-Smith has stepped down as a community rep, and this position has been taken up by Robin Cook.
- Toby Ben-Babatunde (BAME Staff Representative) updated about the importance of continuing support and reassurance for BAME network members, noting that there was still need to drive engagement within the community. Toby shared that, along with Gertrude Wadieh, she represented Navigo at a meeting with the local MP, where they gathered with community members to discuss their concerns about accessing jobs and integrating better into the community.
- The Co-Production and Engagement team have been updating information around local services that offer discounts to members of the Navigo membership. A lot of the businesses that we did have discounts from don’t offer these any longer or do not exist anymore. Ruth Prentice asked for suggestions of any local services and business that would be beneficial to the members. Please contact the engagement team: navigo.engagement@nhs.net.
- Ruth Prentice (Co-Production and Engagement Manager) wanted to remind everyone that the cut off date for Projects of the Year ideas is the 7 February, and to send suggestions to info.navigo@nhs.net by this date.
- In the spotlight this month was the Individual Placement and Support Service (IPS) presented by Lisa Heys
- A reminder was given about the upcoming drama sessions starting on February 10 at Navigo Hub and the need to increase participation in football activities at King George Stadium.
- John Tucker (Community Member) asked about the best way to contact staff and community representatives. The email addresses are navigo.communityreps@nhs.net for community reps and NAV.staffreps@nhs.net for staff reps.