Our Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services provide training for professionals in services that work with children and young people.*
This includes:
- schools
- colleges, and
- children's services
We understand that it can be difficult to have your staff in one place to undertake a face-to-face training course. Therefore, we have developed our new online training courses.
Please choose your course below.
Choose a workshop
This eating disorders training, whilst not produced by NAViGO's CAMHS team, has been reviewed by us and we feel it is very useful and relevant.
This training is designed for health and care staff. It would be useful for anyone in contact or support of a child with an eating disorder diagnosis. It is designed to ensure that health and care staff are trained to understand, identify and respond appropriately when faced with a patient with a possible eating disorder. It is the result of collaboration between eating disorder charity Beat and Health Education England, along with with key partners.
*Please note, these workshops were created while CAMHS was delivered by Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, and so they are branded as such. NAViGO has attained full rights to use these and the content will be reviewed and rebranded as part of the CAMHS transformation process.