- One new staff membership application and one new community application brings the totals to 572 staff and 405 community members.
- Claire Bellamy (Communications, Marketing and PR Lead) updated on the sponsorship of the Tape2Tape Grimsby 10k. Claire has managed to secure a great new deal that is half the cost of previous years and includes great benefits like 12 free places worth £300, logos on the race brochure, a marquee at the finish area and a press/social media release. All agreed that this was a fantastic deal and a great opportunity to tie it in with the ten-year anniversary of the 10k along with ten years of Grimsby Garden Centre and Sequoia.
- Amy Quickfall, representing the Health and Care Partnership, presented an East Marsh Community Plan, which is in collaboration with East Marsh United and Our Future. This plan has been set up with the intention of changing lives, and empowering people in the East Marsh to make changes that benefit them and their community. Amy said that the East Marsh Community Plan is a resident-led, long term plan for the future of the area. This has five focus areas (Community, Environment, Housing, Health and Wellbeing and Work).
- Ruth Prentice (Engagement and Co-production Manager) gave an update on the work Cath McMain (Head of Corporate Quality) has been doing around the efforts to enhance feedback collection from service users. We have been reviewing how feedback requests are worded, proposing phrases like "have your say" instead of the traditional “leave feedback". Along with this, the team have been looking at wording on posters and how we phrase things to encourage responses.
- The team have also been looking at survey questions to ensure they meet the needs of various service areas, while engaging service user representatives and staff in discussions about these changes. Additionally, the team is considering the placement of feedback requests in communications for better visibility and ensuring accessibility for all users.
- Ross Albery (Staff Representative) spoke about the actions from the last staff representative meeting and how they are progressing with these actions.
- Toby Ben-Babatunde (BAME Staff Representative) wanted to thank Navigo for its continued strong support for the BAME network, and how the network have been considered when any policies have been revised. Toby has noticed an increase in diverse representation in regards to recruitment, and all new staff members are integrating well into the teams.
- Reminder that Ramadan is starting on the evening of Friday 28 February or Saturday 1 March. This is depending on the sighting of the moon.
- Fiona Parker (Co-production and Engagement Manager) wanted to note that the process to request a volunteer for an interview panel has now changed. Fiona and Ruth have taken over this process from Kelly Clay (Carers Coordinator) and requests are to be submitted via a Microsoft Form.
- Ruth updated on the Projects of the Year applications. 11 applications have been received. These have been through a shortlisting process with some community members and the senior management team. From those 11 applications, six have been shortlisted. This is a membership vote so is open to all staff and community members of Navigo (just like the AGM). Project descriptions and voting information will go out on 10 March. Online voting also begins on 10 March. Voting closes on 28 March and the two projects that are successful will be announced on 31 March and get up to £10,000 for their project.
- Freedom Nwokedi (Assistant Director for Older People's Mental Health Services) gave a service area update for Older Peoples Mental Health, and said that a recent CQC inspection of Konar Suite and the Jane Lewington Suite were positive. Any areas of improvement have already been addressed and responses submitted.