We're constantly conducting mental health research that will help to improve services in the future.

On this page, you can find a rundown of all the research that's currently underway or has been recently completed.

If you have a research-related enquiry, please feel free to contact our research and development team.

An evaluation of the CAMS (Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality)
Sophie Brown (NAViGO/University of Hull)

An evaluation of the Sequoia Therapeutic Community model integrating DBT & MBT
Dr Aamer Sajjad, Dr Wojciech Gierynski and Suzanne Brown

An evaluation of the NAViGO DBT service
Beth Archer, Nicola Airey, Dr Fran Burbidge

  • COVID-19 Psychological Distress amongst Service and Non-Service users

    MSc Clinical Applications of Psychology student Emilia Dixon compares caller profiles to the NAViGO COVID-19 helpline and distress causes with general population data.
  • Life Story Book Study

    Life stories are an autobiographical approach that allows people to reminisce on their life. This study, undertaken in collaboration with the University of Hull, aims to further address the clinical applications of life story interventions in dementia.
  • Free-Cog

    Free-Cog is a free-to-use assessment tool which combines test of cognition and executive function into one global test suitable for use in a clinical environment. This study is undertaken in collaboration with Professor Alistair Burns, the National Clinical Director for Dementia and Older People's Mental Health at NHS England.
  • DESCANT (Dementia Early Stage Cognitive Aids New Trial)

    Memory aids like calendars and clocks are widely recommended and used for those diagnosed with early stage dementia. However, there isn't much robust evaluation of their use. This trial is part of a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Programme Grant for Applied Research, which is investigating various forms of home support for people with dementia and their carers. 

    (In submission)
  • ECT Service Evaluation

    Electro convulsive therapy is an effective treatment for severe unipolar and bipolar depressions that have not responded to other treatments. This study evaluates local service development of the Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust ECT service.
  • Perinatal Service Evaluation

    In collaboration with NHS Humber, this study will assess the impact of the service to inform decision making for ongoing sustainability of the Perinatal Mental Health service.
  • Assessing model fidelity of Early Intervention in Psychosis services in the UK

    In collaboration with Miriam Kinkaid at McGill University in Canada.
  • Assessing the LGBT knowledge of medical staff

    Dr Clarke Gostelow's research gathers a baseline of awareness and experience around LGBT issues across NAViGO.