
“We wanted to let you know about all the things we’re doing to continue providing services to you and the local community.

But before that, I’d like to thank you on behalf of everyone at NAViGO for your support, patience, kindness and understanding in what is an extremely challenging time.

Our dedicated staff are working hard in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic to protect and support our service users, each other and the communities we are a part of.

We work with many vulnerable individuals, and looking after them and our colleagues remains our top priority.

Our new COVID-19 mental health support service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week offering support to everyone across North East Lincolnshire.

The telephone support service can be accessed by anyone – from individuals already in receipt of mental health services to people struggling with the new social distancing restrictions, isolation or pandemic-related anxiety.

Ran in conjunction with North East Lincolnshire Council, it’s also there for NHS staff and key workers who may be struggling with their mental health due to the coronavirus pandemic. The service is open to people of all ages, with support for younger people led by Young Minds Matter.

To access the service, call (01472) 256256, selecting option 3 to be connected with our team.

If you’re struggling with stress, anxiety or depression, Open Minds are continuing to support you and accept referrals into the service.

To keep our staff and patients safe, the service is temporarily unable to offer face-to-face appointments. However, we are still offering a range of therapies online, over the phone and through virtual face-to-face therapy via Zoom.

Open Minds has also launched Silvercloud, allowing people to access Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) virtually to help with low mood and anxiety.

To access talking therapies directly, you can self-refer through this website.

You can’t go out, but we’ve brought Safespace to you. Safespace is an out-of-hours, open door service providing instant and practical support for vulnerable people who need assistance with their mental health.

If you’re feeling vulnerable because of your mental health, you can speak to the Safespace crisis café team using Zoom – the free online video chat app – or by calling in via telephone. Professionals from North East Lincolnshire Mind are available between 6pm and 10pm, Monday to Friday.

If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis and require emergency assistance, we’re still here. You can still call the Single Point of Access on (01472) 256256, selecting option 3. Call 999 if you or someone else is in immediate risk or danger.

If you are already accessing a service within NAViGO and need to speak with someone about your care and treatment, please contact either your care coordinator or lead professional for whom you will have been given contact details.

From carer support and NEXUS Youth Forum, to dementia friends and Yarn Fairies! Many of our groups have moved online so individuals can keep in touch, have a chat and enjoy activities. There are lots of things planned for the coming weeks – including quizzes, cook-alongs and question-and-answer sessions!

We’ve even set up groups on our Facebook page so people can connect and have fun – feel free to come over and join us! We’ll see you there!

As a proud member of the local community, we are supporting our partners, particularly small providers of vital services.

We’re also redeploying staff to other areas of NAViGO to support key frontline inpatient services. All of our other services have adjusted to continue operating as normally as possible while adhering to social distancing requirements.

And if you’re already accessing our services, you and your care co-ordinator will continue to be in touch over the phone or via video calling software!

At Grimsby Garden Centre, all of our profits are reinvested into local mental health services. The centre is also used to provide training, skills and employment opportunities to people with mental health problems.

That’s why we’re really keen to protect and look after the plants that our service users, volunteers and employees have nurtured and provide a free delivery service (within a ten mile radius) to the local community who are keen to use horticultural therapy during the lockdown.

These are confusing and stressful times for all of us. If you need to speak with someone, please remember that as a leading mental health services provider, we are here to help.

We are also sharing hints and tips on FacebookTwitter and Instagram about managing anxiety and coping with self-isolation, shielding and social distancing.

A vast amount of work is underway throughout NAViGO to plan and prepare for the weeks ahead. We will continue to follow guidance provided by government, work closely with partners and ensure we do what we can to carry on providing our valuable services.

Take care."

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