Notice is hereby given that an Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at:

Grimsby Auditorium, Cromwell Road, Grimsby DN31 2BH on Thursday 28 September, 2023 at 1.30pm.

Items on the agenda this year include:

No Special, Ordinary or Members Resolutions are proposed. 


  1. Same as last year, the meeting will be held at the Grimsby Auditorium and members unable to attend the event in person will be able to view the ‘live stream’.  Details as to how to access this will follow from our communications team.  
  2. Although there are no Special, Ordinary or Members Resolutions to vote upon this year, Members entitled to attend, speak and vote at the meeting may still appoint a proxy to attend, speak and vote on their behalf upon any issues that arise on the day by completing a Form of Proxy available from the Company’s Registered Office (address detailed below).
  3. Additionally, and the same as in previous years, Members unable to attend the meeting can cast their vote in relation to the Project of the Year by completing the Advance Voting Form also available from the Company’s Registered Office (address detailed below).
  4. To be valid, the Form of Proxy and the Advance Voting Form must be completed and deposited at the Company’s Registered Office no later than 5pm on Tuesday 26 September, 2023.

NAViGO Health and Social Care CIC

Company Number 07458926 (“the Company”)

Registered in England and Wales

Registered Office: NAViGO House, 3-7 Brighowgate, Grimsby DN32 0QE