The Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Service provides a specialist assessment, diagnostic and treatment service for adults in North East Lincolnshire.

It also supports service users transitioning to adult care from community paediatrics and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). The service adheres to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance in its approach to treatment and medication is monitored by the treating clinician.

ADHD is a complex condition and as such we recognise the importance of the assessment being carried out by ADHD specialist professionals. The North East Lincolnshire Adult ADHD service is run in partnership witCare Plus Group by a small but dedicated team currently supported by a consultant psychiatrist, a nurse specialist, an assistant psychologist and a peer support worker.

ADHD services across the country have seen a steady increase in demand over recent years. Here in North East Lincolnshire, we are receiving a large number of referrals that far outweighs our capacity as a service.

We are working as quickly as possible but are currently assessing clients referred to the service towards the end of 2022. For all referrals after this time, the wait will be considerably longer.

Whilst we acknowledge how difficult it is to wait, we ask that, if possible, people please refrain from contacting the service for referral updates as this puts additional pressure on the service and its support staff.


Prescription requests

If you are a service user receiving treatment and have a prescription or prescription related query, then please email

Please make sure you include your full name, date of birth, medication and pharmacy in your email. Our dedicated team are currently working at maximum capacity and experiencing high demand. They thank you for your patience.

ADHD is a condition which begins in early childhood and continues into adulthood, causing significant problems in a person’s day-to-day functioning.

It is pervasive throughout a person’s life in all aspects of life. The core features of ADHD include:

  • Inattention: difficulty concentrating or completing tasks, being disorganised, easily distracted, forgetfulness and finding it difficult to listen when people are talking
  • Hyperactivity: being fidgety or restless, talking excessively and being overactive
  • Impulsivity: acting without thinking, interrupting others and finding it difficult to wait your turn


It is important to remember that ADHD has been in the spotlight on social media platforms and a lot of inaccurate information has been shared.

To receive a diagnosis of ADHD, a person needs to meet specific diagnostic criteria after an assessment. At Navigo, we adhere to NICE guidance around ADHD diagnosis.

There can often be crossover between ADHD and other neurodiverse or mental health conditions too, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

For these reasons, it's important to be assessed by professionals so you are able to receive an accurate diagnosis.

Anyone over the age of 18 who is registered to a GP in North East Lincolnshire can access the Adult ADHD service.

At your first appointment, you will see a nurse or a doctor and be invited to talk about your experiences. 

This appointment usually lasts one to two hours and you can take a break during this time if you need to. 

Anything you say will be confidential within the team unless there is a legal duty to inform outside agencies. This will be explained before the assessment.

It can be helpful to bring along:

  • a parent or someone who has known you a long time — preferably since childhood — to support you in describing your difficulties
  • your school reports, as these are helpful for us to understand your childhood.

At the end of the assessment, we will look together at the best options to help you with your needs — either within our team or another service. 

An assessment for a neurodevelopmental disorder usually includes:

  • information from all settings, such as schools, home and work
  • a medical history, including developmental and family history
  • communication, behaviour, and mental health assessments
  • a physical examination (face-to-face)
  • tests and assessments for other conditions where appropriate

After your assessment, a letter will be sent to your family doctor and the referrer (if this was a different person). You can request a copy of the letter, too.

If you receive a diagnosis of ADHD, you will have one-to-one involvement with your allocated worker who oversees your treatment, making sure that it works for you. Together, you will develop a care plan to help you address your mental health needs.

The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommends medication as the first line treatment for adults with ADHD. We will work with you to find a medication that is effective for you and help you to adjust to taking it. You may also be given advice about alternative ways of managing the symptoms of ADHD.

If you are unable to keep an appointment, it would be helpful for you to contact us to discuss this. We may be able to arrange a more suitable date, time or venue for you. 

How do I contact the ADHD Service?

To contact the ADHD team, you can call (01472) 571100, selecting option 5 followed by option 2.

This telephone line is open from 9.30am to 5.30pm from Monday to Thursday, excluding bank holidays.

You can contact the team via email.

Send your enquiry to and the team will respond within two working days.

If you’re in a mental health crisis and need urgent help, call the Single Point of Access on (01472) 256256 and select option 3. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Alternatively, you can call NHS 111 free from a landline or mobile phone.