“I know how it feels to be unemployed, so I’ve got empathy towards anyone in this position.
“The experience of dealing with my own mental health issues and the strategies involved in accepting and overcoming my challenges brought about my interest in working with people who have additional barriers to employment.

“I now work as a Kickstart trainee as part of the Tukes IPS service– a team made up of professional careers advisors who support service users with mental health challenges into employment. We also offer ongoing support to them once they’re employed. It feels like a dream come true.”
“I sit in on the Employability with Resilience lessons on a Wednesday morning alongside Lisa who delivers this training. The course involves teaching and encouraging the learners to produce CV’s and covering letters, as well as learning how to fill in application forms and sharpen interview techniques. It also encourages learners to develop resilience skills so they can gain access to, and sustain, employment.
“As well as that, I attend IPS team meetings and shadow employability sessions, along with helping another colleague with resources for the Maths, English and ICT lessons. I’m also currently learning about all the paperwork which we use when a new client is referred to us, which will give me the opportunity to learn and understand why we use these forms and what for.
“I have access to NAViGO’s mandatory training and I’m currently completing all the units required and have also enrolled on an Information, Advice or Guidance course.

Lisa Heys, IPS Team Leader said: “We couldn’t be happier to have Yasmin on board.
“Careers advising is not the easiest of task; it requires numerous transferable skills and a high academic ability.
“There is much for Yasmin to learn, but she is a talented and determined young woman with a true interest in this career trajectory and a passion to support people with mental health challenges into employment.
“I have every confidence in her abilities and in the fact that once fully trained she will be an asset to the IPS team and, more importantly, to every individual she helps into employment.”