Our Tukes team are offering a ten-week course aimed at supporting service users looking to gain employment.
The course will teach service users new skills that are particularly valuable in the jobs market, such as building resilience and getting noticed during the application process.
The course starts in September 2020 and is open to anyone with a mental health diagnosis who is currently searching for employment.
The course, which is limited to six places, will provide information, advice and guidance on the following subjects:
- Creating a CV
- Getting your job application noticed by writing a good covering letter
- How to fill in an application form effectively
- Job interview techniques
- An introduction to resilience
- Introducing strategies into your life to support the development of your personal resilience.
This project is funded by the European Social Fund.
For more information, please contact Lisa Heys (Tukes Employability Team Leader) by emailing lisa.heys1@nhs.net.