From February, people living with a mental health condition across North East Lincolnshire will benefit from focused support from a new specialist mental health team.
We have successfully secured part funding from Core 24 to enhance their own dedicated provision and create IM+PACT – a team dedicated to providing direct care reducing the demand on A&E for mental and physical health coexisting illness.
The IM+PACT team of NAViGO health professionals including advanced clinical practitioners will focus on four main areas including complex dementia, complex functional mental health in older adults, frequent attenders of any age and long term conditions of any age.
Working closely with local Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital to support frequent attenders and individuals with a long-term condition, the team will also work alongside our hospital liaison service and older adult existing teams, to support the diagnosis of dementia in hospitals and the ongoing complex management of functional and organic mental health.
NAViGO project lead Lisa Clarke said: “Many individuals with a mental health condition feel like their only option is to attend A&E or urgent care which is not the ideal environment to meet their needs, hopefully the IM+PACT team will be a positive and successful addition to reducing this impact for service users, carers and services “
In addition to direct access to teams within NAViGO and links with Primary Care Networks, dedicated time from the admiral nurse team will be given to support carers who have loved ones in hospital experiencing dementia.
It is hoped that every PCN across North East Lincolnshire will have a dedicated IM+PACT team member working in the community to further reduce hospital admissions.