
We might be in lockdown, but that's no reason for any of us to feel lonely.

At 11am every Monday morning during lockdown, we'll be running Check in and Chat sessions through Zoom for service users, community members and the general public.

Everyone is welcome and it's an opportunity to see some friendly faces and chat about anything that takes your fancy!

Dogs are not guaranteed but are welcomed!

Amy Quickfall, Engagement and Projects Manager, said: "With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting so many people's wellbeing, we felt it was important to set up  sessions where people could drop in if they were feeling lonely.

"These groups are informal and won't be a substitute for getting professional help, but they will complement the support that NAViGO currently offer."

Click here to log on at 11am on Monday.

These sessions, which our supported by community representatives, are not run by trained mental health professionals. If you're looking for a similar session with mental health support, Safespace crisis cafe currently runs between 5.30pm and 11pm, Monday to Friday.

You can also find more support on our Get Help pages.

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