Self-refer to NHS Talking Therapies
A few details about you
Full name
If you've been known by any other names, please state them here.
First line of your address
Mobile number
Home telephone
You will be sent a verification email to confirm the referral has been sent and received if you provide us with an email address. We strive to be 100% paper free and prefer sending appointment letters by email. Giving consent to us contacting you by email also enables your therapist to share important documents to you more freely.
Please enter your email address below if we can contact you by email.
What times and days would you prefer to be seen? We always aim to meet these requests wherever we can, but we are not always able to meet everyone’s requests all of the time. In such cases, we will try and meet them as closely as we possibly can.
Your religion
African Traditional Diasporic Agnostic Atheist Bahai Buddhism Cao Dai Chinese traditional religion Christianity Hinduism Islam Jainism Juche Judaism Neo-paganism Non-religious Rastafarianism Secular Shinto Sikhism Spiritism Tenrikyo Unitarian universalism Zoroastrianism Primal-indigenous
Your ethnicity
White British White Irish Mixed White/Black African Mixed White/Black Caribbean Mixed White/Black Asian Asian Bangladeshi Asian Indian Asian Pakistani Chinese Black or British Caribbean Black or Black British African Other Asian background Other White background Other Black background Other Mixed background Other Ethnic background
Your marital status
Co-habiting Divorced/civil partnership dissolved Married/civil partner Widowed Separated Single
Your smoking status
Non-smoker Current smoker Ex-smoker Never smoked
Please complete this section if we can have the details of someone to contact in case of emergency.
Their name
Their contact number
Their relationship to you
Details about your GP
Your GP must be in North East Lincolnshire. Any referrals outside of this area cannot be accepted. Please refer to the NHS website for details of your local NHS Talking Therapies provider.
Your GP practice
Your GP's name
To help us triage your referral, please tell us about the problems that have brought you to seek talking therapies at this time.
Please consider telling us about:
A recent example of what you have been feeling and why — examples may include relationship breakdowns, loss of a job, poor self-esteem or worry
When did the feelings start and how long has this been going on?
What part of these feelings affect you the most?
What impact do they have on your daily life?
How would you like things to be different?
What problems can we help with you with at this time? Is there anything you want to achieve, overcome or change?
A few details about access
If you have been diagnosed with any mental health problems or disorders, please state them here.
Are you currently being seen by mental health services or have you been seen by them previously? If so, please provide a little detail about who you saw, when and what for.
Do you require an interpreter? If so, please state which language.
Do you require any reasonable adjustments to support you in accessing or attending the service? If so, please let us know what these are.
What is your current accommodation status?
Accommodation tied to job (including armed forces) Admitted patient setting Bed and breakfast Care home with nursing Care home without nursing Criminal justice settings Homeless Hostel Living with family Living with friends Mainstream housing Mobile accommodation Other Owner/occupier Shared ownership scheme Sleeping in a night shelter Specialist housing Specialist group home Temporary housing Tenant - local authority/registered social housing provider University or college accommodation Tenant - private landlord Staying with friends and family as a short term guest Sofa surfing Rough sleeper Squatting
Once this referral has been submitted, one of our reception team will be in touch with you to arrange an appointment.
If they are unable to get in contact with you initially, they will continue attempting to contact you for two weeks by the options you have chosen above.
If you do change your mind about wishing to see us, please contact us to let us know .
Privacy notice
The information you send will be stored securely but you can read our full privacy policy for peace of mind .
Please note: we are currently experiencing a potential issue with online form submission on the Navigo website.
If you are struggling to submit this form, please call (01472) 625100.