Rely on Stu to represent you!


Stuart_Harris_thumb.jpgWhy would you like to be a staff representative?

"I would like the opportunity to become a staff representative to help convey and advocate the voice of the members in NAViGO.

"It will help to share innovations, opinions and view points that will enable services to be shaped and developed by the members of staff and clinicians working within our organisation to continue to deliver high standard of service."


Tell us about you and your experience.

"My name is Stuart and I am a mental health nurse working in NAViGO. I have worked for the organisation since the start and since completing my nurse training in 2008.

"My background is in acute mental health along with crisis and home treatment as well as rehabilitation services. I also work as an Approved Mental Health Professional along side my current role. My current role is within the Integrated Physical and Mental Health Advanced Clinician Team (IM+PACT) as a Trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioner and I'm studying at the University of Bolton.

"The reasons I want to stand for nomination for staff rep is to ensure that services are developed and sustained by the people and teams that work in them. It also motivates me to help people to understand service development in a non-judgemental manner."


If you are elected as a representative, what do you want to achieve?

"Change is inevitable in our everyday lives and I feel passionate about supporting people through change and helping them embrace it instead of shy away. I feel that stopping change is like stopping your watch to save time, it just makes no sense.

"Services and society are constantly changing and evolving and it is essential that as an organisation we move with these time and changes.

"I would also like to sustain the transparency within the organisation and help members be engaged in service development and to be able to have their voice heard."


How do you intend to engage with the membership to ensure their voices are heard?

"I want to be clear and understand people's view points, ensuring that I am accessible for people to explore their thoughts and feelings. I'll take part in regular engagement events and sessions so they can be attended when needed and also bespoke engagement sessions to tailor for people needs.

"I'll feed back in a timely manner about decisions or potential organisational change and ensure people are given the most up to date information about activity within the organisation."