Vote for NAViGO's Nikki!
Why would you like to be a staff representative?
"I have worked in Tukes for 14 years supporting members. This includes within the domestics and catering teams and all other areas of Tukes. I am ready for a new challenge to enable me to understand the needs of our members of staff.
"I am standing for election this year as I want to make a difference and grow on a personal level, to understand NAViGO in its full entirety and how it supports its staff voices. I want to learn what we can change to better support each other.
I want to hear your ideas and thoughts. On your behalf I want to understand other staff roles and their challenges, combine ideas and present ideas to Membership Board."
If you are elected as a representative, what do you want to achieve?
- Network with other services
- Understand other staff roles
- Combine ideas
- Present ideas to membership board
- Grow on a personal level
How do you intend to engage with the membership to ensure their voices are heard?
- Meet face to face
- Virtual meetings
- Via Your Voice
- Visiting sites
- Email and telephone