Keen by name and by nature



Jo_Keen_thumb.jpgWhy would you like to be a staff representative?

"Whether you’re a cook supporting our eating disorder service, a business development manager keeping us on track of projects or a senior manager making the big-picture decisions – whatever the level, whatever the role, whatever the concern – your thoughts and opinions should be heard.

"I’m passionate about mental health, helping to improve our services for service users and the staff that provide them. But we all know that two brains are better than one, or this case 700 plus brains. So let’s work together.

"I want to bring your voices to the places they need to be heard and I’m confident that we can make realistic, achievable but exciting and positive changes together."


Tell us about you and your experience.

"I’ve worked within mental health services for over 18 years now, since the establishment of Tukes in 2003, and saw the birth of NAViGO in 2010! During that time, I’ve gained a real insight into the organisation, the people who make our services what they are, and the people we provide services for.

"My role overseeing Tukes spans across nearly all NAViGO sites – I’m proud to say that our catering and domestic teams support everywhere from the lodges on Harrison House to the JS Suite and NAViGO House. I think the benefit of that is that I understand wide scope of the areas that support NAViGO and the staff within them."


If you are elected as a representative, what do you want to achieve?

"It is essential that staff representatives are not simply seen as the equivalent as a staff comment box, therefore I would like staff to feel they have a wider voice and I would like to pass on actionable feedback to senior colleagues."


How do you intend to engage with the membership to ensure their voices are heard?

Regular meetings with virtual and face to face options - with cake if required.

Also continual work with the comms team to ensure we are using every available tool and service to be visible and reachable.