Voice for All


James_Cork_thumb.jpgWhy would you like to be a community representative?

"Being a service user and needing help to deal with my mental health issues over many years, I value the skills and help NAViGO has given me and many who find themselves in this position.

"I understand how difficult it can be for someone to explain how they feel. I hopefully will be able to communicate the person’s needs to those who can help within the NAViGO organisation.

"Mental health and their treatments are evolving, and we all must grow with them. And through communication and education on all levels, we can and this is crucial.

"With support, I hope I can be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves at this time. At some point in our lives, we all may need a little support."


Tell us about you and your experience.

"My name is James Cork, and I live in Grimsby. I suffered from a variety of mental health issues going back many years. NAViGO helped me in the last few of those years in several ways when I needed them most.

"Everyone needs help from time to time. However, some don't know how to ask or where to go for that help. I may be, with others, that voice that directs you to the area in the NAViGO organisation where you can get the help you need."


If you are elected as a representative, what do you want to achieve?

  • To help others receive the help that I did
  • To help people understand that there is no shame in not being able to cope
  • To promote the importance of the NAViGO organisation and to actively advertise its services within their guidelines.
  • To work as a team member for the progression of the organisation and the people they serve.


How do you intend to engage with the membership to ensure their voices are heard?

  • Visiting groups that NAViGO hold
  • Engaging in conversation with the members to ask if there is anything they need
  • Reporting back to various bodies within the organisation to put the member's views, concerns or requests forward.
  • Liaise with the group leaders and volunteers at all times
  • Follow up with the members, their requests have been put forward, and report back when there is an answer.