About Freshney Green
Freshney Green is the base for Navigo's Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), previously known as Young Minds Matter. It's located on Sorrel Road in Grimsby.
Visiting Freshney Green
Visiting by car
Visiting by public transport
Opening times
Entering the building
Services here
More information

Visiting by car
Parking: There is service user car parking on site at Freshney Green. This is available to the left-hand side of the main building.
There are disabled car parking spaces located to the left as you enter the car park. The car park surface is tarmac. The route from these spaces to the Freshney Green entrance is accessible to a wheelchair user with assistance.
There is a designated drop-off point in front of the building.

Visiting by public transport
By rail: Grimsby Town is the nearest rail station to Freshney Green, but this is a 30-35 minute walk from the site.
By bus: Freshney Green is covered by the below bus routes, which stop at the top of nearby Toothill Road:
- 4
- 5S
From there it is a three-minute walk to Freshney Green. Depending which direction you travel from, you may need to cross the busy Yarborough Road.

Entering the building
The main entrance is located at the front of the building.
The reception desk is on the first floor. Use the lift or the stairs to access the first floor. Navigo's Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) are located in the first unit on the left-hand side.
The waiting area is to the left of the reception desk.
Automatic door: Yes
Restricted key fob access: No, out-of-hours only
Door bell: No
Call system: No

There are no roads to cross between Freshney Green's car park and the main building.
The route from the car park to the entrance to Freshney Green is accessible to a wheelchair user with assistance. Assistance may be required because there are slopes or ramps.
There is a dropped kerb between the car park and the venue. The dropped kerb does not have tactile paving.
Lift: The lift is available just outside the pharmacy, to your left after entering the building.
Stairs: Stairs are situated on the right-hand side as you enter the main building.
Induction loops: Yes (?)

More information
Toilets: Male, female and disabled toilets are available on the first floor.
Cafe: Yes
Drink facilities: Water fountain available
Display screen: Yes, in reception
Outside space for service users: Yes, there is a bench at the front of the building and a grassy area at the back
Quiet room: No