man_calm_thumb.jpgIn these tricky times, staying calm can feel like a special skill!

We've come up with a few ways you can try to beat the fear and cope with everything that 2020 is throwing our way.



Self-soothing, rhythmic activities can help you to feel calm, like walking, stroking a pet, knitting, sketching, swimming, running and dancing.


Switch off

Dedicate some time each day to unplugging your gadgets and technology in general. You will be surprised at how much of your day is consumed by technology and how much you have to gain from reducing the amount of attention you give it.

Even the thought of this makes some people uncomfortable and so try starting small, a few minutes here and there and then build up to more solid blocks of time - you’ll soon feel the benefits.


Make a date with yourself

Scheduling time with yourself is just as important as scheduling time to socialise with your friends and family. For this reason, you should treat your ‘me time’ as you would any other scheduled date.


Get gardening

A study by NASA way back in 1989 found that a number of house plants have the ability to purify air in our homes. Not only do they help your house but they can help your mood, so stock up on your Spider Plants, Snake Plants, Peace Lilies, and Flamingo Flower among others.

Grimsby Garden Centre have some blooming good deals on indoor house plants!


Stand up straight

Good posture fights stress. A nice, straight posture when standing or sitting can promote circulation and lift oxygen levels in your blood.


Friends who sweat together

This stress-busting hack ticks two boxes - exercise and social engagement. Find an exercise buddy and motivate each other to get moving. You don’t even have to be with each other, grab your leggings and laptop ready for a virtual exercise class or routine from the comfort of your living rooms.


A recipe for calm

When we’re stressed or over worked, our motivation is quick to go out the window and our first instinct can be to reach for an unhealthy meal option, something fast and easy. However, spending time cooking a homeprepared meal can actually help reduce stress and boost our mood.

Instead of viewing cooking as a chore, use it as a way to relax at the end of the day. If you plan your meals in advance, you can probably squeeze in time to cook at least a few meals each week (without the stress). Experiment with new healthier dishes, which can be just as comforting as your winter favourites. 



Stimulate your senses with a touch of aromatherapy. Step aside Jo Malone, why not have a go at making your own candles or wax melts. Before you know it your house will smell like a Yankee Candle factory.

Connect through creating

Whether it’s arts and crafts or cooking, creating with our hands or helping others will bring joy and a sense of purpose. Look for virtual groups and classes to help boost your confidence and skills, while topping up on some social interaction.

Soak out stress

Run yourself a spa-worthy bath and soak out the stress. It doesn't need to have a spa day price tag either!

Grab the epsom salts, bubble bath, a few candles, (lock the door if you're likely to be interrupted by a flock of family members all needing the bathroom) and unwind.