The Care Act 2014 came into effect in April 2015 and replaced most previous law regarding carers and people being cared for.
It outlines:
- the way in which local authorities should carry out carer’s assessments and needs assessments
- how local authorities should determine who is eligible for support
- how local authorities should charge for both residential care and community care, and
- places new obligations on local authorities.
The Care Act is mainly for adults in need of care and support, along with their adult carers. There are some provisions for the transition of children in need of care and support, parent carers of children in need of care and support, and young carers. However, the main provisions for these groups (before transition) are in the Children and Families Act 2014.
Under a Section 75 agreement, Navigo have a responsibility to commission services under the Care Act for anyone who is in receipt of Navigo support under adult services — including carers, where a clear need has been identified to support their wellbeing.
Please note: service users accessing our memory service receive adult social care from Focus. For children and older people, the responsibility sits with children's and adult social care respectively. Focus can be contacted on (01472) 256256 (option 2) or by accessing the LiveWell website.
The Care Act assessments will take place within 28 days of establishing an identified need by your care co-ordinator or key worker.
Once need is established, a discussion regarding financial implications will be had. Further information on this is available on the Focus Adult Social Work website.

To find information and advice about accessing adult social care in North East Lincolnshire, you can visit the LiveWell website.
LiveWell has lots of useful information on how to keep yourself well, including sections on help with staying independent, care options and how to pay for your care.
Browse the overview below or visit the LiveWell adult social care page. Please note: if you are a Navigo service user with a care coordinator or key worker, please ask them about how you can access support.

24-hour support
You may be unsure what support you can access and how you can access it. The Single Point of Access is available 24/7 to answer your queries. Call (01472) 256256.
You can even complete a self-assessment online to understand what help you may need.

Help with daily living
Sometimes you may need support to help keep you as independent as possible.
LiveWell signposts to useful services including the Carer's Support Service, Age UK and sheltered housing schemes.

Your care journey
Find out how an adult social care assessment works, how the team complete a care plan and how you can pay for care.

Visit LiveWell
For all your adult social care needs, visit the LiveWell website.