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The past few years have seen the continued expansion of NAViGO services, transformation of sites, development of new projects and the marking of some important milestones.

As part of this ongoing evolution of who we are, we’re excited to release our updated brand identity.

Not only to reflect who we are today as an all-age provider. But to symbolise our future vision and values.

As one organisation.

A modern look that captures our mission to deliver high-quality mental health services, engage our membership in all we do and present ourselves positively.

Thanks again to all of our staff, service users and members who have been involved in developing the new brand. As always, we appreciate your time and feedback.

Central to the change was keeping ‘orange’ as our colour but developing something more reflective of who we are and introducing something softer, friendlier, fresh and modern.

A brand that introduces consistent elements – such as accent colours and iconography – which can be a touch point with service users, staff and wider community. And that supports the repackaging of the membership and reflects the role of members in co-producing services.


Changing a brand involves many steps and will take time.

As an organisation, we’re particularly keen to ensure value for money and that we do not replace a wide range of things already in use.

This may mean that for some time, until things need replacing or are used up, the old and new logos run simultaneously alongside each other.

While other things may begin to change. The task in the upcoming months will be to update materials, social media accounts and our website, with the new logo.

We’ll be back in touch after our AGM on Thursday 28 September 2023 to provide more detail about an official switch over date and what will be changing when.

In the meantime, thanks again to all of you who have been actively involved.

If you have any questions, queries or comments, please let us know

Here’s to our new look!