
At home shouldn’t mean at risk.

Domestic abuse is a hidden epidemic and by its very nature affects the NHS and the staff that work within it.


Here at NAVIGO, we are joining the UK national campaign #UKSaysNoMore.

NO MORE Week is an annual, international opportunity to come together to raise awareness of domestic abuse and sexual violence, inspiring individuals, organisations, and communities to make change.

Domestic abuse has the potential to affect people from all ages, genders and backgrounds.

While it's a term often used to refer to violence between partners, it also includes abuse between ex-partners or family members.

There are many types of domestic abuse, including physical, verbal, emotional, sexual and financial. It also covers stalking and harassment, which can be distressing.

The COVID-19 pandemic and consequent lockdown restrictions have had a huge impact on those affected by domestic abuse.  While demand for some domestic abuse services initially reduced, they have since returned to pre-lockdown levels and continue to rise, particularly in respect of those services supporting victims at the highest levels of risk. This has led to concerns that some victims are only reporting domestic abuse once the risk escalates.

When comparing data from Jan-March 2020 with data from April-Dec 2020, there has been a 5% overall increase in the number of reported incidents of domestic abuse in North East Lincolnshire. During the peak in August 2020, Humberside Police reported there had been a 106% rise in high-risk cases across the south bank (North and North East Lincolnshire) during lockdown.

Finding help

If you’re in immediate danger, you should call 999 and ask for the police.

If you can't speak, press '55' on your telephone keypad when the operator is on the line to get help. To report a non-emergency incident, contact Humberside Police on 101.

Women's Aid offer support to anyone who is experiencing any form of domestic violence. If it's safe to do so, you can call them on (01472) 575757. Alternatively, you can send a message online at or email

The Blue Door are a specialist service who provide support to anyone that has experienced domestic abuse and sexual violence in North and North East Lincolnshire. You can call 0800 197 4787 to speak to them or email

Refuge operate a freephone, 24 hour national domestic abuse helpline 0808 2000 247 and provide useful information about supporting survivors, your rights and options at


The ManKind Initiative is the principal, expert and specialist charity in the UK focussing on male victims of domestic abuse. Working in close partnership with other organisations and practitioners to support victims as well as offering advice to health care professionals

If anyone wishes to talk to a member of the safeguarding team for advice please call 14341 or email


Please don’t suffer in silence. Support is out there.