
"Today is my first day as chief executive of NAViGO.

"It’s a huge honour and a massive privilege for me to take on the role of your chief executive. I feel extremely proud to lead NAViGO, an organisation I am so passionate about, so much so that my wife refers to it as my third child.

"Having been at NAViGO since its formation, I know about the hard work and dedication of our staff and how committed they are to the people we support and the services we provide.

"I’ve seen how far we have come, what we have achieved and the positive impact we have had on the local community.

"But I also know that there is so much more we’d like to do and I’m looking forward to working on behalf of you - our amazing staff, service users, carers and partner organisations - to further improve and enhance our services while continuing to provide high-quality care to the people who need our support.

"We’ve been through unprecedented challenges over the last 18 months and we’re certain to see an impact on the demand for our services going forward.

"But I am committed to working with you to meet and respond to those challenges head on.

"I appreciate that change can be unsettling, but it can also be a time for positive reflection. I am looking forward to visiting all areas of NAViGO as soon as possible, listening to you all, considering our challenges and, of course, our opportunities.

"I’d like to think that you know I’ve always been open and transparent in my communication with you all – and that won’t change just because my job title has.

"Likewise, I want to hear your thoughts, ideas, views and any issues you face. What do we do well. What we could do better.

"NAViGO is a fantastic organisation with dedicated, professional staff. I am confident we have lots to build on. I am confident we have a positive future.

"I look forward to working for you."


- Simon Beeton
(NAViGO chief executive)