The Navigo substance team provides treatment to service users with substance use problems that are currently open to our services.
We provide support for service users in reducing or stabilising their substance use so that they can access other Navigo services. We provide intensive support and — in conjunction with the locally commissioned drug and alcohol services — work with those who require additional support due to co-existing mental health problems.
The substance team complete assessments and risk management plans for every service user referred to the team, taking in the additional specialised risk assessment required for people who use substances. As part of our screening and assessment process, we complete relevant substance-related screening tools and rating scales that are specific to the particular substances used by each service user and monitor improvements throughout treatment.
We offer psychosocial interventions to promote behaviour change. These include:
- Brief interventions for alcohol
- Brief interventions for drug use
- Motivational interviewing
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy-informed interventions
- Dialectical Behaviour Therapy approaches for relapse prevention and harm reduction advice
The team offer two recovery groups each week.
The Relpase Prevention Programme involves teaching service users to identify high-risk situations and triggers for craving — as well as developing skills to manage cravings and other painful emotions without using substances — learning to cope with lapses and attaining a life-style balance.
The First Thing's First Group explores different emotions, teaching skills to learn how to manage these without using substances.
We Are With You has close working relationships with the team. A joint clinic is undertaken on a weekly basis attended by staff from both mental health services and drug and alcohol services. The aim of the clinic is to provide a collaborative approach to service users with a dual diagnosis.
If you are looking for support for a child or young person, please visit our dedicated Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services pages.
How can I contact the substance use team?
Referrals to the substance team are taken from any Navigo services and the local general hospital (Accident & Emergency and ward admissions).
If you’re in a mental health crisis and need urgent help, call the Single Point of Access on (01472) 256256 and select option 3. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Alternatively, you can call NHS 111 free from a landline or mobile phone.