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woman_gardening_happy_thumb.pngWhen people suffer from depression and anxiety, it can also lower their self-esteem. This page introduces you to some techniques to increase your self-esteem.

Self-esteem is the overall opinion we have of ourselves, how we judge and evaluate ourselves, and the value we attach to ourselves as people.

Self-esteem is made up of competency and worthiness. People with low self-esteem tend to have low self-worth and are unable to see their competency. People like Van Gogh had high competency but low self-worth, leading to low self-esteem.

It is important to look at ways of being able to see your competency and up your self worth to increase your self-esteem. Everyone has something they are good at so it is about being able to believe this and see it.

Here are some quick tips to improve your self-esteem:

  • Treat yourself
  • Give yourself time to relax
  • Plan something to look forward to
  • Learn to pat yourself on the back
  • Have hobbies and enjoyable things to do in life
  • Allow yourself time to care for yourself
  • Practice accepting compliments
  • It is ok to say no
  • Start up some exercise

Traditionally, goals may be set once a year, during lent or around birthdays, for example.

It is good to have a goal to work towards throughout your life. The benefits are that it gives you a track to run on and a path to follow, it keeps you motivated, and it helps give you a sense of achievement and self worth.

Some examples of goals are:

  • To plan and go on a holiday
  • To join a new club
  • To eat more healthily

Building up and learning techniques to be more assertive will increase your self esteem.

We can think about our body language. Maintain good eye contact, stand tall and act confident, even if you are not feeling this way inside.

If you want to get a point across, preparation is key. Set a time and place, write down what you want to say, and be clear and concise with no padding.

It is important to look after yourself when you are feeling down. This will boost your mood and improve your self-esteem.

Try to eat a healthy balanced diet, remembering food is there to enjoy. Bananas and chicken are high in Tryptophan, which is a natural chemical to improve how you are feeling. Fruit and vegetables are good, too — and try to vary the colours. Remember to treat yourself occasionally.

It is important to keep a good routine of sleep to enable you to feel less tired and happier in the day. Keep the room fresh, and try and block out the light and noise.

Exercise is good earlier in the evening to tire yourself out more. Warm milky drinks and a reduction in caffeine can help too.

You may be an active (climbing, walking, dancing) or inactive relaxer (reading, meditating, having a bath), but giving yourself time to do things you enjoy will improve your self-esteem.

Looking after your hair, teeth and appearance can increase how you are feeling inside and improve your self-esteem.

Remember: be kind to yourself.

When people have low self-esteem their thinking styles can become distorted. They may have negative thinking styles or negative beliefs about themselves.

It is important to try and start identifying your thinking and beliefs and look at ways to try and challenge the way you talk to yourself.

Detective Columbo usually caught his murderer by finding evidence that didn’t fit with the obvious suspect. He looked for evidence that did not fit and by doing so found a different way of thinking about the crime he was investigating. Sometimes our thinking leads us to an obvious conclusion without properly looking for the evidence that does not fit.

If you start looking at some of your negative beliefs and start to look for evidence that does not fit, you can start to challenge some of your beliefs.

In order to increase our self-esteem, we need help. We need to surround ourselves with people who care about us, want to spend time with us and can tell us the truth when we are unsure about our behaviours.

Overall, we need people to support us.

People with high self-esteem often belong to a group of people with high self-esteem. A support network can provide practical help, reduce the sense of isolation and provide someone to disclose information to.

Think about starting something new or doing something you have stopped doing that you used to enjoy. Attending a club or meeting can open up social opportunities allowing you to build up your
support network and increase your self-esteem.

If you are interested in more help to improve your self-esteem, you can speak to a clinican from NHS Talking Therapies.

Get support from NHS Talking Therapiesnhs_talking_therapies_thumb.jpg


  • Self refer online: navigocare.co.uk/NHSTalkingTherapies

  • Call us: (01472) 625100 (Open Monday to Friday from 9am until 8pm (closing at the earlier time of 5pm on Friday).

  • Visit us: Navigo House, 3-7 Brighowgate, Grimsby, DN32 0QE (Open Monday to Friday from 9am until 8pm (closing at the earlier time of 5pm on Friday).

Please note, NHS Talking Therapies is not a crisis service. If you’re in a mental health crisis and need urgent help, you can contact other Navigo services. Call the 24/7 Single Point of Access on (01472) 256256 and select option 3 or walk in to Harrison House, Peaks Lane, Grimsby, DN32 9RP. This is a 24/7 service.

We have also teamed up with Shout to offer specialist mental health text message support in North East Lincolnshire. Please note, this service is not run by the Navigo crisis team, but by volunteers from Shout. Text ORANGE to 85258.