group_therapy_thumb.jpgWe run several group therapy sessions which are led by NHS Talking Therapies professionals.

We understand coming to a group can be incredibly difficult. However, from our experience and research, people can learn a lot more from being alongside others who have had similar experiences. 

Group members can contribute as much or as little as they wish. You can find information about our groups below. To participate, self-refer to NHS Talking Therapies and mention group therapy to the team.

The stabilisation group is a six-week group therapy programme for people who are experiencing symptoms related to a traumatic experience, which is likely to be Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

The group offers an opportunity to understand and acknowledge what trauma is and how it affects you. This will provide a safe space for you to learn and practice skills that are helpful in managing your trauma symptoms. This will prepare you for possible further one-to-one work.

The group will consist of skills practice and providing information on topics such as:

  • Information on PTSD
  • Relaxation exercises and learning how to ground yourself
  • Dealing with dissociation and flashbacks
  • Dream and nightmare re-scripting
  • Reclaiming your life activities

The wellbeing workshop is a five-week programme for service users who experiencing mild to moderate stress, anxiety or depression.

The group covers all of the areas that can be covered in one-to-one therapy sessions, including:

  • Behavioural activation
  • Worry management
  • Problem solving
  • Sleep hygiene
  • Graded exposure
  • Cognitive restructuring

Service users are given booklets and handouts to work through in between sessions. This is known as guided self help.

The self-esteem group, known as Reclaiming my Life with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) group, is a 12-week group therapy programme for people with low self-esteem who experience mixed anxiety and depressed mood that impacts on their day-to-day life.

It is a structured, evidence-based CBT course where you will learn and practice skills to understand your emotions, develop coping skills and address the beliefs you have about yourself and others by challenging them and developing new ways of thinking.

The Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) & Worry Group is a ten-week group therapy programme for people who experience high levels of worry and anxiety that impacts on their day-to-day life.

It is a structured, evidence-based cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) course where you will learn and practice skills to:

  • understand your worry further
  • overcome avoidance and tolerate uncertain situations
  • nhance your confidence and ability to deal with problems
  • address underlying fears that may maintain your worry

The Fibromyalgia group looks at what fibromyalgia is, how to manage the condition and how it affects our mental health.

It also explains how our mental health can impact physically on the body and how to avoid the 'boom and bust' of everyday life.

Service users will also learn the benefits of pacing and Pain Gate Theory.

You will also be given the opportunity to try a cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) intervention in your own time using the psychoeducational materials we provide each week.

Sessions run remotely over Microsoft Teams. You are in control of how much you want to interact with the sessions. You can turn your camera off and keep your microphone muted if you wish.

Once the six-week programme has ended, we can continue to support you if this is needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of group therapy?

Everything that is delivered in one-to-one therapy sessions will be covered in the group, but with the added benefit of engaging with and learning from other individuals experiencing similar difficulties.

Although this can initially feel daunting, it can help to validate your experiences and provide you with an additional community or support network to aid your recovery.

There is also a much shorter waiting time to access support through one of our group courses.



How long are the group sessions?

Accessing a group means you have access to much more in-session time. The approach for one-to-one includes 30 to 60-minute sessions. However, group therapy offers 12 weeks of 90-minute sessions. This means we cover a larger range of tools and techniques during group treatment.



Will I have to talk in front of everyone?

The main aim of group therapy is to learn proven techniques to improve our mental health. You will have opportunities to ask questions, practice techniques and share your experiences if you feel comfortable doing so.



I’m unable to make one of the sessions. Can I still attend the other group sessions?

We recommend attending all sessions of the course as each one will cover different information. If you do miss a single session, please make the facilitators aware and we can send you the relevant resources and missed information. If there are repeated missed appointments, we can review and discuss other options for treatment if required.



What happens after a course?

For most people, accessing one of our courses will lead to more positive mental health and you will be discharged from NHS Talking Therapies. If required, you will be offered a review appointment at the end of the course to discuss any ongoing difficulties.



How can I access group therapy?

To participate, self-refer to NHS Talking Therapies and mention group therapy to the team.