We use many treatments at the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (Young Minds Matter).
Which therapies we use as part of your treatment will be decided by the person leading on your care — alongside you, and your parent or carer, too, if necessary.
Select one of the options below to find out about each therapy type.
CBT looks at the way you think about things and feel about things.
It also examines how behaviours affect each other and your day-to-day life.
DBT helps you to accept that you can’t always change difficult thoughts or feelings.
Instead, it gives you ways you can cope with them.
This is done in a group setting with other young people whilst supporting each other and having fun.
A special therapy designed to help build relationships and trust with those who care for you (usually parents) and increase your own self-esteem.
When other treatments don’t work, we may use medication.
Your lead professional will complete the assessment with you and will talk to you about the most appropriate way to help