If a child or young person has already been referred to the Neurodevelopmental Service (previously known as Access Pathway for children and young people) for clinical discussion — or is currently waiting for an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) assessment with the Neurodevelopmental Service in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services — Right to Choose does not apply as choice has been exercised.It would be advisable to enquire with the Neurodevelopmental Service by emailing navigo.ymmneuro@nhs.net or calling (01472) 252570 to confirm a child or young person is not on our local pathway.  

However, if a family wants to consider a private assessment and not stay on Local Pathway, services can discharge an adult, child or young person from waiting. Please ask the family to contact the service directly as soon as possible so that this can be arranged, using the contact details above. Please also signpost the family to the private assessment page for more information on this process.

If an adult has already been referred to neurodevelopmental services (ADHD or autism services) for clinical discussion or is currently waiting for an assessment with either ADHD or Autism services at Navigo, Right to Choose does not apply as choice has been exercised.

It would be advisable to enquire with the adult neurodevelopment services. For the Adult ADHD service, please email cpg.adhd@nhs.net or telephone on 01472 571100 (option 5, followed by option 2). For the Adult Autism Service, please email cpg.autismdiagnosticservice@nhs.net or telephone 01472 571100. 

If a referral has not been made and the assessment is commissioned locally then Primary Care should support the adult, parent, carer or young person to identify a suitable organisation to undertake the neurodevelopmental assessment. For example:

  • Ensure the chosen provider has a contract with integrated care boards (ICBs) or NHS England, is in date and not due to expire
  • Discuss the importance of identifying a provider that undertakes a high-quality assessment
  • Explore some of the limitations as a result of accessing a private provider with the parent or carer, such as paying for (see private diagnosis section for more guidance).

Most importantly from the outset, conversations about expectations are essential to encourage the person and their family or carers to approach the process as an assessment for autism or ADHD, rather than anticipating a specific assessment outcome.

Discussing these points in detail with a parent, carer or service user will help them to make an informed decision about which assessment route is right for them.

Please note: if the neurodevelopmental assessments they are requesting are not part of a locally-commissioned pathway then an Individual Funding Request may be a more appropriate route. 

Find further information on Patient Choice here.