Simon Beeton (SB) Deputy Chief Executive (Chair)
Julie Gray (JG) Head of Corporate Affairs/Company Secretary
John Tucker (JT) Elected Community Member Representative    
Pam Bendle (PB) Elected Community Member Representative
Kelly Moore (KM) Elected Staff Member Representative
Courtney Peet (CP) Elected Community Member Representative
Joanne Keen (JK) Head of Tukes/Employment and Commercial Services
Aamer Sajjad (AS) Medical Director
Craig Champion (CC) Elected Community Member Representative


Nicola Carroll (NC) Membership Board Secretary
Annie Darby (AD) Service Development Manager    
Bradley King (BK) Staff Member
Jennifer Clarke (JC) Community Member
Jackie Griffiths (JGr) Patient Experience Lead
Lisa Denton (LD) Head of Performance and Assurance
Rebekah Myers (RM) Staff Member
Sam O’Brien (SOB) Community Member
Rachael Ogley (RO) Community Member
Angie Button (AB) Staff Member
Claire Withers (CW) Freedom to Speka Up Guardian
Gill Hobson (GH) Business Development Manager
Jim Cork (JC) Community Member
Amy Quickfall (AQ) Engagement and Projects Manager
Kristina Parker (KP) Communications and Marketing Lead
Stuart Harris (SH) Staff Member


Apologies were received from Jane Lewington, Mike Reeve, Richard Watson, Kristina Fletcher and Kate Pawlowska.

The Chair noted that as there was a minimum of one Executive Director, one officer of NAViGO and at least one Elected Staff Member Representative and one Elected Community Member Representative present the meeting was quorate.

The Chair invited members to declare any interests conflicting with agenda items to be discussed at the meeting; no declarations were made. 

3. NOTES FROM THE MEETING OF 5th August 2021

Approval of Notes – The notes of the August meeting were agreed as a true and accurate reflection. 

4. “IN THE SPOTLIGHT” One Front Door

Gill Hobson and Jo Keen shared a presentation.

Tukes launched 18 years ago, and the needs of the service users have changed considerably in that time. A new approach is being developed to include Tukes, volunteering and placements.

Partnership working will be developed to create a prospectus of offers with trusted and reliable partners in the local area.  
Flexibility is required along the pathways, to ensure that the support is tailored to the individual, these will be aligned to clinical services. 

Members were asked to contact the presenters if they would like to assist in testing the pathways and ensuring that the correct language is used to ensure that the service is accessible and easy to navigate. 

Angie expressed an interest and will liaise with Jo and Gill to explore how social workers can assist the navigators to start to divert people from clinical secondary care which would be extremely positive. 

Amy and Courtney to liaise with Jo and Gill regards linking their work to develop a LGBT+ support group for over 25’s. 

Rachael and Claire expressed an interest in taking part. 

A soft launch is planned for mid October and from March 2022 hope to integrate across the services and the patch. 
An update will be brought to the December meeting, and from February 2022 to be added as a standing agenda item. 

The organisation remains at escalation level 2 and are continuing to wear masks and adhere to social distancing. There are no plans to move to level 1. 

Changes to the self isolation rules allow double vaccinated staff that to return to work following being contacted by track and trace if they obtain a negative PCR test and continue to take lateral flow tests for 10 days. 

Absence levels are relatively high for the organisation at 7-8% but are low compared to other trusts. 

Paper provided showed 7 applications had been received. The applications were approved.

Totals to date - Staff Members 419
        - Community Members 287


A survey monkey will be sent regarding attendance at the AGM to aid with catering requirements.

Your voice celebrated it’s 4th birthday, and attendance was outstanding. 

Trip to Harlow Carr went well and another trip has been requested to Yorkshire Wildlife Park in October. 

A vegetable patch is being considered at Harrison House. 

Advertising in the windows of redundant high street shops is being explored. 

Pam continues to visit the lodges and has received positive feedback regarding the catering team. Jackie to link with Pam to pass any feedback to the quality group, for the quality group  to then feedback to Membership Board. The Place survey needs to be service user led, and the intention is to engage with more of the membership for this. It was confirmed that all service users should be offered the chance to provide feedback as standard practise. 

Pam will be taking part in the National Service User awards on 21st September. 

Book club is restarting. 

Inclusion continues to prove popular and will have a display board at the AGM. 

Thanks were passed to Mark, Richard and Dr Kate for their contributions as staff representatives as they will be standing down from the roles for the upcoming election.


Janice will be attending team meetings from September and linking with carer champions to identify any peak times that carer support is needed. Linking with Carers centre to recognise those people who do not identify themselves as a carer and ensure they are receiving sufficient support. Rachael offered her support with this. Kelly to liaise with Rachael regarding this and a potential carers ambassador role.

LGBT partners and carers group has started

Simon has contacted Richard for an update regarding the wellbeing checks and PDR paperwork for staff that are carers. Carers strategy has been amended as per comments and feedback received from carers. 

Communications and Marketing

SHOUT text message service launches next week and will be promoted via posters, cards, social media and videos in GP surgeries. 

AGM mailout will take place this week.

The Potting Shed website will launch in September.

Autumn Grow With Us packs will be sent out to schools shortly. 

Comms have secured Gardiner Hill Foundation a place as one of the seven official charities for the 2022 Grimsby 10k which will result in the charity receiving 20 free places (in addition to the 20 NAViGO receive for being a sponsor) and a proportion of the entry fees. They have also obtained 5 free places for the Cleethorpes Santa Stride.

Scoping work is taking place for branding following the merger of ACE homecare, Care4all and NAViGO Extra.


None received.


11.1 Finance
The paper received shows the position at the end of Q1. 
Surplus of £249k, which is £212k positive variance against the plan. 
3% pay award to be backdated to April was not agreed when the paper was prepared. 
Simon to request that a definition of acronyms and a colour key are added to future papers. 

11.2 Gardiner Hill Foundation
The paper was received for information and detailed fundraising events of a Euro sweepstake and Grimsby 10k supported by the comms team. Local company Dough Bros are donating 20% of their profits from their pizza gravy bottles to the charity. 

11.3 Volunteers
Large number of applications coming through, the process has been eased with the ability to apply online. 
2 long service awards are being agreed which will be available to volunteers and members 
A special award will be created for Denise Gollings who sadly passed away. This will be presented to her family. 
Drama group will recommence 13th September. 
John to liaise with Kelly regards feedback he has received around the length of the volunteer induction.

The Integrated Care Partnership are developing a staff forum of representatives from organisations within the care partnership to provide a collective view of staff across North East Lincolnshire.  

Organisations have been asked to nominate a representative. It is proposed that the NAViGO representative should be either a staff representative, or the Non Executive Director. It was agreed that the decision would be made following the elections. 

Julie and Simon to review the NED role.

The alterations to the articles around the voting for staff and community representatives were provided for information. 

Rebecca Adlington is confirmed as the keynote speaker at this year’s AGM.

Thursday 4th November 2021, 10am via zoom.
Please forward apologies to
Papers can be obtained from Nicola Carroll.