Simon Beeton (SB) Deputy Chief Executive (Chair)
Julie Gray (JG) Head of Corporate Affairs/Company Secretary
John Tucker (JT) Elected Community Member Representative    
Pam Bendle (PB) Elected Community Member Representative
Bradley King (BK) Elected Staff Member Representative
Rachael Ogley (RO) Elected Community Member Representative
Nikki Cadman (NC) Elected Staff Member Representative
Courtney Peet (CP) Elected Community Member Representative
Joanne Keen (JK) Head of Tukes/Employment and Commercial Services
Aamer Sajjad (AS) Medical Director
Craig Champion (CC) Elected Community Member Representative
Gertrude Wadieh (GW) Elected Staff Member Representative


Nicola Carroll (NC) Membership Board Secretary
Annie Darby (AD) Service Development Manager
Jennifer Clarke (JC) Community Member
Jackie Griffiths (JGr) Patient Experience Lead
Sam O’Brien (SOB) Community Member
Amy Quickfall (AQ) Engagement and Projects Manager
Kristina Parker (KP) Communications and Marketing Lead
Anna Morgan (AM) Head of Business Development
Kelly Moore (KM) Volunteer Coordinator and Carer Strategic Lead
James Flood (JF) NHS Graduate
Sally Gell (SG) Business Development Manager
Kathryn Small (KS) Business Development Clinical Manager

1. Welcome and Apologies

Apologies were received from Mike Reeve, Claire Withers, Kristina Fletcher and Lynsey Ford.

The newly elected staff and community representatives were welcomed to the meeting and introductions were made.

It was proposed that the chosen non-executive directors chair future meetings with the support of the chief executive. The terms of reference of the meeting have been amended to enable this. Simon to source committee training and liaise with Julie with plans to implement from February 2022. 

2. Quorom and Declaration of Interests

The Chair noted that as there was a minimum of one Executive Director, one officer of NAViGO and at least one Elected Staff Member Representative and one Elected Community Member Representative present the meeting was quorate.

The Chair invited members to declare any interests conflicting with agenda items to be discussed at the meeting; no declarations were made. 

3. Notes from the Meeting of 2nd September 2021

Approval of Notes – The notes of the September meeting were agreed as a true and accurate reflection. 

Simon to liaise with finance to ensure that a list of acronyms and a colour key are provided on future papers. 

4.“In the Spotlight” Housing Related Support Service

Sally and Kathryn attended to share a presentation.  

NAViGO were successful at tender to provide high level support to tenants. This is initially for 3 years, with a view to extend to 5 years. The team began providing the required support from 2nd August. A bespoke RESPECT course has been created for the staff. 

Sally to liaise with Jo and Kelly to link with Tukes and volunteers. North East Lincolnshire comms team are creating consistent marketing material for all providers. Sally and Kathryn were asked to present to Gardiner Hill trustees. Nicola to arrange. Simon to raise issue of inconsistency of care workers at NAViGO Extra at board meeting.  

The reps were asked to decide the topic for November’s “In the spotlight” and feedback. 

5. Monthly Covid-19 update

The organisation is still working at levels 2 and 3 and continues to follow infection control guidelines. Sickness absence is reducing, and vaccination rates remain high. 

The mandatory vaccinations for care home staff and staff who need to go into care homes from November does not cause a risk to NAViGO as all staff have been vaccinated or redeployed.

Booster vaccinations are available 6 months after the second dose, and flu vaccination campaign has begun.  

6. Membership Applications

No applications were received
Totals to date - Staff Members 419
- Community Members 287

7. Community and staff representative update

The newly elected reps are meeting in the next week. 

Feedback received shows that the waiting areas across sites are not welcoming. This will be a focus in the future to ensure all sites are consistent. 

Pam to share service user feedback with PALS.

8. Carers update

Team meetings are being attended to provide updates and advice. Working with carers to ascertain whether a 9-5 service is appropriate.

Staff carers policy is being reviewed to ensure it encompasses offers from other trusts. 

LGBT parent, partners and carers group launches 1st November.

Rachael to attend the next carers champions meeting. 

Carers to be included in the staff induction. 

9. Communications, Marketing and Engagement

Communications and Marketing

A paper was circulated for information. 

Garden Centre website launches 4th Oct and Christmas events are live. 

The AGM obtained a large amount of positive media coverage. Online voting was successful with more votes cast than in previous years. 

SHOUT text service launched in September. 


NAViGO attended an Army Foundation college to promote mental health awareness and positive coping mechanisms.  

10. Policies

None received.

11. Quarterly Updates

11.1 Carers Dashboard

Covered in item 8. 

11.2 Training and Development/Workforce/Bank

Sickness covered in item 5. Training compliance is high, but the organisation is reviewing what is statutory, mandatory, and discretionary to identify the associated benefits for the organisation from the training being completed. 

With regards medical staffing it was confirmed that NAViGO are a sponsorship body for General Medical Council.

12. Any other business

Members approved Amy liaising with Grimsby Auditorium to acquire a discount for staff members and their families to attend the pantomime.

A social club was suggested where staff contribute throughout the year to fund outings. 

The format of Your Voice meetings is to be discussed at the next reps meeting to identify solutions to sound problems experienced when using a hybrid model.  

13. Date and time of next meeting

Thursday 2nd December 2021, 10am via zoom.

Please forward apologies to Papers for the meeting can be obtained from Nicola Carroll.