Simon Beeton (SB) Chief Executive (Chair)
Julie Gray (JG) Head of Corporate Affairs/Company Secretary
John Tucker (JT) Elected Community Member Representative    
Pam Bendle (PB) Elected Community Member Representative
Bradley King (BK) Elected Staff Member Representative
Rachael Ogley (RO) Elected Community Member Representative
Nikki Cadman (NC) Elected Staff Member Representative
Joanne Keen (JK) Head of Tukes/Employment and Commercial Services
Aamer Sajjad (AS) Medical Director
Craig Champion (CC) Elected Community Member Representative
Gertrude Wadieh (GW) Elected Staff Member Representative
Stuart Harris (SH) Elected Staff Member Representatives
Richard Watson (RW) Head of Workforce and Development



Nicola Carroll (NC) Membership Board Secretary
Annie Darby (AD) Service Development Manager
Jennifer Clarke (JC) Community Member
Jackie Griffiths (JGr) Patient Experience Lead
Sam O’Brien (SOB) Community Member
Amy Quickfall (AQ) Engagement and Projects Manager
Kristina Parker (KP) Communications and Marketing Lead
Anna Morgan (AM) Head of Business Development
James Flood (JF) NHS Graduate
George Baker (GB) Public Governor, RDaSH
Lynsey Ford (LF) Legal Affairs Manager
Rebekah Myers (RM) Staff Member
Kristina Fletcher (KF) Assistant Director of Community Health and Wellbeing Services
Sally Gell (SG) Business Development Manager – Agenda Item 6
Dr Lokesh Aresh (LA) Consultant Psychiatrist Agenda Item 6

1.Welcome and Apologies

Apologies were received from Claire Withers and Mike Reeve.Attendees were welcomed to the meeting and introductions were made.

2. Quorom and Declaration of Interests

The Chair noted that as there was a minimum of one Executive Director, one officer of NAViGO and at least one Elected Staff Member Representative and one Elected Community Member Representative present so the meeting was quorate.

The Chair invited members to declare any interests conflicting with agenda items to be discussed at the meeting; no declarations were made. 

3. Notes from the meeting of 7th October 2021

Approval of Notes – The notes of the meeting were agreed as a true and accurate reflection. 

Matters Arising - Meeting has been arranged to discuss changes to membership board.

Simon will explain the colours, and the brackets when going through the finance report. 

Simon confirmed that he had raised inconsistency of staff at NAViGO Extra at the board meeting. Simon and Sam to liaise outside of the meeting. 

4. “In the Spotlight” Staff and Service User Wellbeing

Staff wellbeing offers have included wobble rooms, Garden Centre vouchers, face coverings for personal use, chocolates, thank you letters and U Boxes. 

Occupational Health physio times have been increased using wellbeing funding, and this has received positive feedback from staff. 

Ideas for winter wellbeing are being developed in the Health and Wellbeing group. 

Staff rep to be invited to the Wellbeing committee, Jo and Nikki volunteered to take part. Lower banded staff and NAViGO Extra staff to be represented at the meeting going forwards. Richard to co-ordinate.
It was agreed that the committee need to ensure that someone is responsible for actions from the meeting, and that this is fed back to Membership Board.

Reps to ask staff for their views and suggestions for staff wellbeing at the upcoming roadshow meetings. 

Richard to review the capacity at Simply You for service users. 

It was acknowledged that there is a gap in relation to service user wellbeing. Telephone welfare checks were taking place throughout the pandemic, but these stopped due to staff returning to their substantive posts. This is to be addressed.

Community reps to agree how to take forward a service user wellbeing group. Julie and Amy to co-ordinate.

5. Monthly COVID-19 update

NAViGO are continuing to work well throughout the pandemic. Staff are being encouraged to take breaks and their annual leave to try and maintain the required staffing levels over the winter. 

6. Neuropsychiatry Business Case

Dr Aresh and Sally Gell attended to share a presentation on the winning project from this year’s Project of the Year. 

Of the services currently available, the closest are Sheffield and Birmingham, therefore a development of a specialist team will be invaluable and will provide an assessment for adults with neurological illness or head injuries who have associated neuropsychiatric problems.

7. Membership Applications

The paper provided showed 7 applications had been received.

Totals to date - Staff Members 419
        - Community Members 287

The applications were approved.

8. Community and Staff Representative Update

Reps have created a Teams channel to aid communication.

Looking to ensure that all areas are covered and represented and have developed a spreadsheet listing all areas and identifying where each rep feels comfortable working to identify any areas not currently covered and distribute accordingly. A first point of contact will be identified for each area and publicised. 

Harrison House inpatients have asked if there could be a covered area in the gardens so that they can be utilised in bad weather and queried when can they are able to use Harrison House café and cabin again. Julie to liaise with Pete and Ellie regards the outside area. Simon to liaise with Ellie regards the café/cabin and any infection control implications. 

Heads of service to be invited to reps meeting to make introductions and learn more about the services. Amy to co-ordinate. 

It was queried whether the organisation is adequately represented at membership board, and whether key members of staff are required to attend for it to be a successful meeting. Simon to raise at SMT.

9. Carers Update

The contract is being reviewed to identify what is required, and what realistically can be provided. The carers strategy will be publicised for awareness. Work is ongoing to identify any gaps in service. Carers awareness training will recommence in January. 

A survey is being developed to review carers engagement. 

It was addressed that where social stresses are present One Front Door may be able to assist. Therefore, more joined up working will be explored. 

10. Communications, Marketing and Engagement

Communications and Marketing

Joint response vehicle has launched and will be promoted with the police and ambulance service. 

Meetings taking place to promote IAPT further, and a focus on Older Peoples campaign.

Next issue of the community magazine is due before Christmas. 

Supporting the Safeguarding conference technically, currently 430 confirmed attendees.


The veterans project are invited to Yourvoice to link with Armistice Day. LGBT+ Parents, partners, and carers group launched today.

Session with “Think To Speak” regarding peer to peer networks and understanding sexuality and gender. Plan to work together to look at how services can be improved. 

It was confirmed that recipients of the Personality Disorder Questionnaire were identified by their primary or secondary diagnosis. 

BAME and Men’s mental health were discussed, and next steps were queried. It was agreed that these need to be brought together by male or BAME members. With the launch of One Front Door bespoke job descriptions are being developed and may assist the men’s mental health work. Need to review what is lacking regarding support networks, and link to services where there is a clinical need. As clinical services are already in place these do not require changing. 

Amy to bring together working group of what is needed and the reps to identify a lead for men’s mental health and BAME. It was confirmed that once a lead is identified any support required will be provided. 

As there is not currently a Community BAME representative, Kelly to liaise with Gertrude regards engaging with BAME carers and Amy to liaise with Gertrude regards BAME LGBT+. 

11. Policies

None received.

12. Quarterly updates

12.1 Finance

Paper received for information.

12.2 Workplan Summary Report

Paper received for information. Anna to liaise with reps regarding membership objectives and future “In The Spotlight”. 

12.3 PALS/Complaints Q2

Paper received for information. 

13. Any Other Business

No other business discussed.

14. Date and Time of Next Meeting

Thursday 3rd February 2022, 10am via zoom.

Please forward apologies to

Papers for the meeting can be obtained from Nicola Carroll.